This fire season has change our county forever. Four large fires The Rocky Fire, The Elk Fire, Jerusalem Fire and last (and most destructive) The Valley Fire. The latter destroyed over 1300 homes, leaving so many of our friends and fellow citizens homeless. Fires in Lake County represented 52% of the firefighting in all of California. No doubt recovery will be slow and the focus of our communities energies for years to come.
Thank you to everyone who has inquired about our farm... we are many miles from the Valley fire, and were downwind from the Elk fire, so all is well here at Dancing TreePeople Farm. We are formulating our response to the rebuilding that will take place in the fire areas and helping friends.
My photo taken during the first hours of the Elk Fire (August) was picked up by ABC and the SF Chronicle:

This was the smallest fire in the scheme of things this season... but it shows a wildfire scale against the backdrop of human habitation. These truly are unstoppable once they get going, taking the landscape like a tsunami.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the survivors of the 2015 Lake County fires. Let me be one to declare an intention:
"Something Good Will Come of This"